Saturday, September 26, 2009

Never Mind...

BIG SURPRISE: After forcefully and repeatedly stating that he would close the terrorist prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, as a candidate last year and signing an Executive Order to that effect two days after his Inauguration, it now appears very likely that President Obama will fail to make good on that promise. The White House says that poor recordkeeping by the Bush Administration is to blame for the mess but the real reason, the real problem driving this development is what I mentioned in this space eight months ago: Whatever the President and his fellow liberal true believers may think, you can't close Gitmo because there's nowhere else for these guys to go. They're the most dangerous people on Earth and nobody wants them, not Obama's socialist friends in Europe nor his other socialist friends here in America. No Congressman, no Senator and no city councilman, no matter how solid their Leftist credentials, wants a bunch of Al Qaeda thugs living in the same ZIP code as their constituents and they'll do whatever they have to do to keep that from happening - have you noticed that with the avalanche of spending from Obama and the Congressional Democrats on everything else that there's not one penny approved for closing Gitmo? No conicidence there, my friends, no coincidence at all.

His Serene Loftiness is learning a hard lesson with Gitmo just as he has with health care reform, that is, simply wanting things to work according to socialist dogma isn't good enough. With health care, many millions of people resist the thought of being ordered into a government-run program that will be more expensive, more wasteful, more corrupt, more regimented and less free than anyone can predict, and are letting the Messiah-in-Chief know it. With Guantanamo Bay, the possibility of Al Qaeda suicide bombers running loose in America freezes the blood of the diest of die-hard liberals. They may have railed against George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and Alberto Gonzalez, and demanded the closure of Guantanamo Bay and civil rights for terrorists but when asked to keep those terrorists in their own districts, they rediscover the old mantra of NIMBY: Not In My Back Yard. (Remember how the dear departed Ted Kennedy, ever the champion of clean energy and the environment, quashed a wind turbine project off Cape Cod three years ago because it would ruin the view?) Obama would do well if he would simply admit his mistake and reverse his order, if he would demonstrate an ability to think objectively and keep Gitmo open, but to do so would require intelligence, character, a sense of leadership and humility, and nothing in Obama's past suggests he is capable of such greatness: Too bad for us.

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