Thursday, May 29, 2014


Administrators at the Veterans Affairs hospital in Phoenix, Arizona, kept a secret list of patients who were
waiting for treatment while publishing a falsified list that complied with VA regulations.  As many as forty veterans died as a result of excessive delays in their care and an investigation into the practice has now spread to 42 VA hospitals across the country.

E-mails obtained through the Freedom of Information Act reveal that a senior White House advisor, Ben Rhodes, was directly involved in crafting the talking points that Ambassador Susan Rice delivered on multiple Sunday talk shows following the terrorist attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, on 11 September 2012.  The e-mail emphasizes a previously-unknown YouTube video critical of Islam as the cause of the attack and deflects criticism of  “a broader failure of policy,” and contradicts earlier White House denials of coordination between the President’s staff and the State Department regarding Ambassador Rice’s remarks.

E-mails subpoenaed by the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee indicate that IRS headquarters in Washington, DC, was directing and controlling the targeting of conservative groups seeking 501(c)3 tax-exempt status starting in March 2010, rather than a couple of “rogue agents” at the Cincinnati office. (Two hundred ninety-two conservative groups received extreme levels of scrutiny vice six liberal groups.) They also prove that Senator Carl Levin and Representative Elijah Cummings, both liberal Democrats, were pressuring the IRS to throttle conservative/TEA Party groups before the 2010 elections, proving that the United States Congress and the Executive Branch were colluding to deprive American citizens of their Constitutional rights.

In contradiction to his earlier criticism of electronic monitoring of domestic communications during the Bush 43 administration, Priest-King expanded the scope of such monitoring to include virtually every telephone call and keystroke in the United States and the permanent retention of that information by the Federal government or by its agents.  Such national-scale monitoring of private communications represents the most colossal violation of Fourth Amendment protection against unreasonable search and seizure in American history.

In order to determine the source of a national security leak, the Justice Department subpoenaed the telephone records of over 100 Associated Press employees, Fox News reporter James Rosen, and Mr. Rosen’s parents, even naming Mr. Rosen a “co-conspirator” in a Federal indictment.  Attorney General Eric Holder testified to Congress that he didn’t intend to arrest and prosecute Mr. Rosen and the indictment was more of a scare tactic than anything else, but this episode demonstrates the commitment of the Priest-King administration to intimidating the free press.

As a result of Priest-King’s stated “red line” in Syria, President Bashar Assad remains in power, continues to use chemical weapons against his own citizens and is invulnerable to UN sanctions.  Given Russia’s firm support, it is highly unlikely that he will be overthrown and replaced by a pro-Western democracy.

As a result of Priest-King’s “reset” with Russia, Vladimir Putin has seized Crimea, occupied eastern Ukraine, threatens to split the country in two and gives safe haven to NSA traitor and fugitive Edward Snowden.

As a result of Priest-King’s “pivot” to Asia, China’s cyberespionage activities against U.S. companies and government agencies has increased, China has claimed all of the East and South China Seas as their territory, freedom of speech, Internet access, pro-democracy reforms and Christianity are rigorously suppressed and North Korea’s psychotic behavior continues unabated.

As a result of his repeated assurances that, “If you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan, period,” 6.2 million Americans have lost their health insurance, others have seen their deductibles, premiums and co-pays quintuple, 31% of all small businesses will drop their employees’ health coverage by 2016 and health care costs will climb $1.7 trillion between 2010-2020.

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives conducted an illegal operation called Fast and Furious in which known criminals were allowed to purchase firearms in the United States and transport them across the border to arm Mexican drug cartels.  This operation resulted in over 1700 guns being used to commit crimes on both sides of the border, the deaths of an unknown number of Mexican nationals and the murder of U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry, who was killed in December 2010.  To date, less than half of the guns in question have been recovered and no-one has been fired or prosecuted.

You get the point.  Barack Hussein Obama, Priest-King of the Americas and Generalissimo of the People’s Revolution, presides over the most corrupt, lawless and inept administration in American history.  Crimes are committed, laws are openly ignored, flouted, disregarded or changed at his whim, people suffer and die and absolutely no-one is ever held to account.  American power and prestige, so dearly earned, is frittered away, wasted, allowed to wither and is now openly mocked abroad: Retreat and weakness are now our watchwords.  The economy sputters along on fumes, unemployment and food stamps are the “new normal,” and veterans of the nation’s armed forces, those most deserving of respect and diligent care, are allowed to die while smiling bureaucrats collect fat bonuses.  Six years ago, I warned you, fellow citizens, that electing Priest-King to the Presidency would result in this state of affairs and over 66 million of you ignored my warnings, twice, so if you have lost your job, lost your house, lost your health care, lost an elder to the VA’s tender mercies, you’re living on the government dole, none of Priest-King’s promises have been kept and you can’t understand why this has happened to you, then you’re as dumb as a bowl of soup and you deserved what you got.

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