Tuesday, April 21, 2015


At last, it’s official:  Hillary Rodham Clinton, former First Lady of Arkansas and career scofflaw, is
running for President of the United States and counts her primary qualification the possession of X/X chromosomes.  This, of course, given the prevailing mood of the country for identity/victim politics, guarantees her a resounding win over whichever Republican candidate the GOP decides to field against her but for argument’s sake, let’s assume that the American public actually cares about things like character and integrity and offer them a few things to consider:

  • It’s a plain fact that Hillary owes whatever status she enjoys to her husband.  She’s nothing without him and nobody would ever have heard of her after her Leninist commencement speech at Wellesley.  Bill, though an amoral, corrupt and licentious gonad, is a crafty politician with an innate ability to get people to like him, even when they know all about his slimy past, a gene that Hillary clearly lacks.  Cold, calculating and utterly ruthless, Hillary believes she is entitled to power but can’t get it on her own.  She believes that other people exist to serve her, something we expect from Commie dictators but anathema to elected officials in a healthy democracy, yet can’t persuade them to believe that she cares about them, which is easy to understand: she doesn’t.

  • Whitewater.  This episode alone should have ended her career and landed her in prison for fraud, obstruction of justice and perjury.  Having lost $40,000 on the original real estate deal, Hillary’s firm was hired by Madison Guaranty to handle legal work associated with it, a clear conflict of interest that should have resulted in professional censure at the very least, and when Congress subpoenaed her billing records in 1994 so they could determine if she had handled work in which she had a personal financial stake, she ignored them for two years until they were mysteriously “found” in her White House office.  Her grand jury testimony was knowingly false and her confederates (Jim and Susan McDougal and David Hale) were convicted on Federal corruption charges.

  • Cattle futures trading.  Hillary turned a $1000 investment into $100,000 in only ten months in 1979, using a broker later censured by the Chicago Mercantile Exchange for shady business practices. Occurring as it did at the same time that the Clintons invested in Whitewater and were desperate for money – Bill made $26,500 as Arkansas Attorney General and Hillary made $24,500 as a junior associate at the Rose Law Firm – this was a bribe by Tyson Foods for future “consideration,” regardless of what they said at the time.  In fact, in a report published in 1994, the Journal of Economics and Finance found that the chances of an inexperienced investor achieving the same results as Hillary did at the same time and with the same transactions were 1 in 31 trillion, thus the only conclusion we can draw is that Hillary was guilty of conspiracy, securities fraud, bribery and perjury.

  • Travelgate. Hillary wanted to give the White House Travel Office business to her crony Harry Thomason as payback for the $1 million in travel services he provided the Clintons during the ’92 Presidential campaign.  Based on the existing employees’ sloppy record-keeping and business practices, she ordered them all fired but that wasn’t enough: They couldn’t be fired for sheer political gain, oh no, they had to be fired because they were a bunch of Bush 41 criminals and they deserved to be fired.  She insisted on an FBI investigation and when the inevitable doo-doo hit the fan, she denied her involvement,  lied to Congress, the GAO and the Independent Counsel and tampered with evidence by having Vince Foster’s records seized after his suicide.

  • Vince Foster’s suicide.  She enlisted White House Counsel Bernie Nussbaum to seize Foster’s records and prevent the U.S. Park Police from entering his office for 24 hours after his body was found.  Foster had been a senior partner at the Rose Law Firm, had known Bill since childhood and had hired Hillary as the firm’s first female lawyer.  He knew all about Travelgate and all the dirty secrets from Little Rock, and Hillary should have been indicted for conspiracy, tampering with evidence, obstruction of justice and perjury.

  • The health care initiative fell on its ass because Hillary’s haughty, ham-fisted approach alienated not only the Republican opposition but members of her own party, excepting, of course, the Leftist fellow-travelers of the kook fringe.  Congress and the country sensed that Hillary was forcing something on them that they didn’t want, something so massive and dangerous to our democracy that it had to be stopped – kind of like Obamacare.

  • “It Takes A Village” – A total joke.  Hillary envisions a culture in which children are essentially state property, indoctrinated and controlled by Leftist social engineers and bureaucrats in Washington. If you don’t mind your kids ratting you out as counterrevolutionary to the KGB, then you’ll love it. Hillary also refused to acknowledge that the book had been written by a ghostwriter who had been paid $120,000 for the project, which is typical – taking credit for someone else’s work is characteristic for an egomaniac like her.

  • The Children’s Defense Fund.  Another left-wing outfit we don’t need.  Hillary has known Marian Wright Edelman for 45 years and has helped that nutbag grossly expand the welfare state, abort as many black babies as possible, and undermine the Second Amendment and the rights of parents to raise their children as they see fit. The CDF sees parents as a threat, a bunch of stupid, uneducated, toothless hillbillies who teach their children to pour Mountain Dew on their corn flakes as they clutch their guns and pray, a threat to the socialist paradise that surely must come if only the State controlled the children.  This is how the CDF and Hillary see the future and it’s a future that ought to terrify you.

  • As a U.S. Senator from New York, where they apparently don’t care if their elected officials live there or not, Hillary distinguished herself by voting to authorize President Bush’s attack on Saddam Hussein and then bitching about it for six years (“I AM SICK AND TIRED…”), opposing the troop surge in 2007 that actually stabilized Iraq, and ramming through the SCHIP legislation so adults as old as 26 can stay on their parents’ health insurance policy and so people with income 200% of the Federal poverty level can be subsidized, the biggest expansion of Medicaid in forty years.  Of course, the whole point of her Senate tenure was to give her credentials for her Presidential campaign, so for liberals who adore indecision and failure, Hillary is pure catnip, but for the rest of us, her eight years in the Greatest Legislative Body in the World represent the triumph of mediocrity.

  • Secretary of State.  An unmitigated disaster on a global scale.  She executed Priest-King’s vision of a weak, fawning, desperate America flawlessly, blowing the “reset” with Russia that led to invasion and annexation of the Crimea, invasion and destabilization of eastern Ukraine, the murder of 298 people on board Malaysia Flight 17 and diplomatic defeat in Syria and Iran; overseeing our paralysis during the Arab Spring and the subsequent backlash in Egypt against the Muslim Brotherhood, as well as during the pro-democracy protests in Iran in 2009; watching China hack our computers and seize the entire South China Sea with impunity; and surrendering Iraq and Afghanistan to chaos.  Violent Islamic insurgencies now rampage from the Hindu Kush to the streets of Paris, kidnapping, torturing, crucifying, beheading and burning people alive, and, of course, we have Benghazi.  As SECSTATE, she deliberately posted Ambassador Chris Stevens in an exposed position and repeatedly denied requests for additional security because his mission of running guns to the Free Syrian Army demanded a low profile, and after he and three security staff were murdered, she lied as to the identity of the attackers, their motive and her own responsibility for the debacle, which lies we cannot refute because all of her communications ran through a private e-mail server installed in her own home in violation of the Federal Records Act and National Archives policy.  She then had the gall to tell us that “smart power” meant “showing respect, even for one’s enemies, trying to understand and insofar as psychologically possible empathize with their perspective and point of view…”, as if the carnage ISIS wreaks could be cured with an encounter group instead of a cruise missile. Moron.

Hillary Clinton has spent the last forty years breaking the law because, as far as she’s concerned, she’s above it.  Her intellect is so lofty, her intentions so pure, her insight so penetrating, that the ordinary protocols of life don’t apply.  She’s beyond things like loyalty and integrity and justice, she’s entitled to wealth and fame and power and the Presidency, too, and how DARE you criticize her?  She attacks corporations and CEO’s and Wall Street and capitalism while taking a $14 million advance for a book that nobody read, she claims she was “dead broke” when she left the White House in 2001 while she collects $300,000 per lecture and flies around in a Gulfstream, she “fights for the middle class” as she wears Oscar de la Renta and won’t tip the staff at Chipotle, and she feigns sincerity and concern while hundreds of millions of people suffer because of her ineptitude, and while four Americans molder in their graves.  Her campaign is fake, her smile plastic, everything fanatically controlled and staged and choreographed so she looks concerned and looks amused and looks like she gives a damn while every fiber of her being rebels against the charade.  She hates being demeaned, she hates sitting and listening to the worries of other people because she simply doesn’t give a shit.  She hates that she has to persuade people to vote for her, hates that these peons control her destiny, and seethes at the humiliation she has to endure.  She hates that other people know this, she hates that campaigning was so effortless for Bill, that she lost to Priest-King seven years ago and had to serve him to keep her Presidential aspirations alive, she knows that there’s a chance she’ll blow this opportunity, too, so she demands $2.5 billion for her campaign, death-march loyalty from the Democrat Party and preening adulation from her amen corner in the legacy media.  Looking to history for some sort of parallel, she’s certainly as cunning and ruthless as Lucrezia Borgia but certainly not as hot, so Catherine de Medici comes to mind.  Homely but highly intelligent, determined and capable of astounding brutality, wielding power that belonged to someone else and never able to attain it for herself, Catherine dominated France for forty-five years until she was ultimately repudiated so we can only hope that America is so tired of Hillary’s shopworn charms that they deal her a similar fate: We don’t want you to go away mad, Hillary, we just want you to go away.

Source: https://youtu.be/2zVHgqj8His

Tuesday, April 7, 2015


On 03 January 250, Emperor Gaius Messius Quintus Decius Augustus performed the annual sacrifice to Jupiter, king of the gods of the Roman pantheon, and in an attitude of restoring Rome’s former glory – reviving the office of censor, repairing the Collosseum, resisting the encroachment of the barbarian Goths in the Balkans – issued a decree that all Roman citizens, wherever they were (with the notable exception of the Jews), would be required to sacrifice to the traditional Roman gods in front of a commissioner employed for that purpose, burn incense to those gods and the emperor, consume the meat thus sacrificed and obtain a written certificate signed by the commissioner and witnesses attesting to the act.  To Decius, part of Rome’s decline was attributable to neglect of the old religion and traditions that had made Rome so dominant in the ancient world: The cult of Mithras, imported from Persia, was popular among the soldiers that defended the empire, druidism ruled the Celtic tribes from Brittania, Gaul and Germania, and there was this pesky superstition called Christianity that despite ruthless suppression, had managed to spread across the empire in the millions.  Decius’ decree, therefore, would serve as a common denominator, a shared platform of belief for all Romans and a foundation for future greatness.

The Christians, of course, saw it differently.  Having professed their faith in Jesus Christ as God Incarnate and their personal Savior, they could not then deny Him and sacrifice to idols and eat food sacrificed to those idols as the edict required, but refusing to obey the emperor exposed them to arrest, imprisonment, torture and death.  What could they do?  How could any legitimate government force them to violate the deepest convictions of their conscience?  In response, some Christians fled for their lives, others gave in and complied with the decree and others, standing on their faith, were martyred, and fortunately, Decius didn’t live long enough to give his order full effect: Like his thirteen immediate predecessors, he died a violent death, killed by the Goths at the Battle of Abritus in June 251.  Nonetheless, for seventeen months, the Roman Empire with all its might and cruelty sought to force Christians to abandon their core beliefs and swear allegiance to pagan gods and it was a watershed moment – the first empire-wide, officially-sanctioned effort to break the Christian faith.

In this country, the state of Indiana, of which I am a native, has sought to give protection not only to Christians but to others who hold deep religious convictions from legal action brought against them by the state and by private entities.  The Religious Freedom Restoration Act, SB 101, allows citizens and businesses to use their religious convictions as a defense if they are party to a court case, in essence restating and affirming our Constitutional right under the First Amendment which is by itself rather plain and unremarkable.  After all, whose interest is served by coercing people to violate their consciences? Who wins when a Christian photographer is forced to cover a homosexual wedding or a Christian church is forced to hire a Muslim secretary or a Christian business is forced to provide insurance coverage for abortions? Is it really in the public interest to create an adversarial relationship between Christians and the rest of society, including their government?

For the radical Left, the answers to these questions are unequivocally, “Mine, me and absolutely yes.” The idea that a bunch of self-righteous snake handlers can refuse to acknowledge one of their favored groups and hide behind “religious principles” is intolerable for them, though they make an exception for Muslims on ideological as well as practical grounds: Muslims are much more likely to cut off your head or burn you alive if they don’t like you.  For the Left, government is their golden calf and they bitterly resent anyone who worships anything else, anyone whose principles don’t change with the times – Paul Begala, appearing on MSNBC on 01 April, stated that, “People can have religious principles, they just can’t act on them,” the most patently stupid remark in the history of patently stupid remarks and emblematic of the Left’s attitude.  As far as liberals are concerned, all trust and confidence must be placed in a faithless, autocratic engine of liberal dogma that consumes and dominates everything, including freedom of belief, in an endless quest for “equality” and “fairness,” which are defined as anything that the Left wants at any particular time, and to have trust and confidence in something else, something changeless and permanent and unmoving and not the work of human hands, say, the supreme God of the universe,  enfuriates  the Left.  How dare you disagree with us?  How dare you refuse to recognize the supremacy of government over the individual and of man over God?  How dare you refuse to validate the absurdity of homosexual marriage as normal, even sacrosanct?  In our outrage (not moral, but an apish mockery of morality), we demand your surrender, we viciously insult you, we threaten to burn your business and kill you because in our pursuit of tolerance, we cannot tolerate disagreement, and we will do this during Holy Week and as Al-Shabaab carefully, systematically murders 147 Christian college students in Kenya.  We don’t care – we hate you and if you refuse to obey us, we’ll put you to death.

Forty years ago, the idea that homosexuals could legally marry each other was ludicrous, as was the idea that Christians would need legal protection for voicing their opposition to it, yet here we are, and who’s to say where we’ll be forty years from now?  From homosexual marriage, we could legitimize polygamy, pedophilia, groups of people marrying other groups of people, Christian ministers being  jailed for refusing to perform such perverse unions,  marijuana sold over the counter at your neighborhood drugstore, and to enforce acceptance of such practices, the government could establish a loyalty oath, administered at, say, the local DMV.  You’d raise your right hand and while the ceremony was recorded by video monitors and microphones, some bureaucrat would administer the oath, you and he would sign it, your driver’s license would be updated accordingly and on your way you’d go, having given the government your approval of whatever depravity they were so inclined to sanction, and in exchange for your approval, you’d keep your freedom.  On the other hand, if you refused such an oath and gave your Christian convictions as the basis for your refusal, maybe you’d lose your license right then and there.  Maybe your car would be impounded and you’d have to walk home.  Maybe you’d lose your job or your house would be confiscated or your financial assets would be frozen, or maybe it would get much worse than that.  Maybe your children would be declared wards of the state and forcibly removed a la Elian Gonzalez, maybe your wife would be arrested and maybe you’d be declared mentally incompetent and be committed to an insane asylum for “treatment,” and after a year or two, you’d be given a chance to recant.  And then, if you still refused, you’d be declared persona non grata and be internally exiled to Alaska because faith in an invisible, changeless, righteous God is incompatible with the wishes of a corrupt, hard-Left and dictatorial state, or, as has happened so often in the past and as happens so frequently now, you’d just be shot: Tolerance, after all, has its limits.
