Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Dead World

Islam is the religionization of 7th-century Arab bandit culture.  That’s what it is. If someone professes Islam as their faith, they are saying it’s okay to steal whatever you want and to kill anyone who gets in your way, to kill for land or gold or camels or whatever you fancy at the moment, to burn villages and behead people and carry off slaves and hostages and then celebrate your raid by glutting your appetites for food and alcohol and rape – what did Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi do with Kayla Mueller, a young, naïve American who only wanted to help the Syrians that al-Baghdadi was torturing and killing, but kidnap her, torture her and rape her repeatedly for nearly eighteen months before murdering her? What is Islam’s vision of heaven but an eternal, wine-drenched orgy? (Nobody considers what heaven is like for devout Muslim women, as if being outraged by foul-smelling drunks forever is paradise.) What do ISIS, al-Qaeda, the Taliban, Boko Haram, Al Shabaab and Iran want to do but raid, slaughter and pillage Western culture and forcibly convert their populations to their bandit religion, creating a global bandit caliphate? And have the warriors of militant Islam actually thought about what that would mean? It would mean – if we take the statements of Osama bin Laden, Ayman al-Zawahiri, Ayatollah Khamanei and al-Baghdadi at face value – that there would be nothing left to loot and plunder, that every human being would profess and display the same robotic devotion to Allah that they do, that the raiding and burning and beheading and massacres so central to their religion would cease, would be obsolete and unnecessary. Whom would they attack? From whom would they steal horses and hostages? If the entire world is dragged into the outhouse of Mohammed’s vision, who would be their slaves?

My guess is that the answer to this question is: Nobody. Nobody in the Islamic world has considered the end result of jihad, that the desired end state of violent Muslim terrorists and governments renders everything they would have done to achieve it absolutely pointless. Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik spent three years planning and dreaming and preparing for jihad, planning and preparing to massacre their neighbors and co-workers and everyone who had helped them while living apparently ordinary lives in the suburbs, enjoying a degree of freedom and prosperity completely alien to the Muslim world. They gathered weapons and ammunition and explosives, plotted their attack, fumed about their hosts’ democratic values while living in perfect security when those activities, if engaged in Tashfeen’s native Pakistan, would have subjected them to summary arrest by the secret police, torture in some dank, nameless prison and then death from a noose, the culture that Tashfeen left behind and to which she and her husband yearned to convert San Bernardino. Farook’s colleagues’ Christmas party, the final provocation, was an unremarkable exercise of First Amendment freedom but was so repulsive to them that they had couldn’t just leave it alone, they had to extinguish it with bullets and pipe bombs, killing 14 people and wounding 22 others before they were themselves killed by the police. And to what end but to create an environment in which their actions would have been utterly impossible? An environment of inescapable and crushing mediocrity populated by automatons, thoughtless, dull, moribund and backward? They used air travel, credit cards, cell phones, computers and the Internet to prepare their attack, conveniences invented by the society they hated, but did this irony occur to them? At some point, did they realize – like the ISIS thugs who murdered 130 people in Paris three weeks earlier – that they were attacking a society that had given them the ability to attack it? That they were, in essence, trying to create a dead society, devoid of freedom, innovation, prosperity and progress?

Probably not. That level of thinking requires independence and originality, concepts forbidden to the ordinary Muslim. They are called by a dead prophet to think dead thoughts, live dead lives and kill anything that isn’t as dead as they are, so they can live in a dead world, a global zombie apocalypse of walking corpses worthy of nothing but extermination. That Barack Hussein Obama and his Leftist fellow travelers refuse to acknowledge this plain and simple fact disqualifies them from legitimate debate on the subject and from the offices they hold, but perfectly qualifies them for tar and feathers. Tell the 1st Armored Division and the Big Red One to saddle up: D-Day is 20 January 2017.