Friday, October 7, 2016

It Might Start Like This

President Hillary Rodham Clinton nominates former Attorney General Eric Holder to the Supreme Court to fill the vacancy created by the death of Justice Antonin Scalia, with the potential of giving the liberals a 5-4 majority and the ability to reshape American society to the Left for the next hundred years. The Republicans escape the November elections with a narrow 51-49 majority in the Senate and Holder’s nomination is bitterly opposed, the televised hearings of the Judiciary Committee are particularly acrimonious and on Thursday, 25 May 2017, Holder’s nomination is rejected. 

Over the four-day Memorial Day weekend, Chicago endures a record-breaking wave of shootings as gangs battle for turf and scores are settled.  Speaking from his hometown, and in the context of Holder’s defeat in the Senate, former President and Priest-King of the Golden Temple Barack Hussein Obama rails against “gun violence” and demands that President Clinton take immediate executive action to stop it, which prompts her to issue a Presidential finding that the private ownership of firearms within Cook, DuPage, Lake and Will Counties in Illinois and Lake County, Indiana, poses a “clear and present danger” to the national security of the United States. With this finding as her basis but with no legal or Constitutional authority to do so, she directs the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (BATFE) to coordinate with local law enforcement authorities in those jurisdictions to confiscate all registered private firearms and to arrest anyone who refuses to comply. She furthers directs the Attorney General to support BATFE with whatever Federal resources may be necessary to implement her order.

The Governor of Illinois promises to cooperate with BATFE but the Governor of Indiana and the Sheriff of Lake County do not, citing the Second, Fourth and Fourteenth Amendments and the egregious violation of Federalism that President Clinton’s order represents. The State of Indiana sues the President in Federal court to block the order while the Attorney General threatens to arrest the Governor of Indiana and the Sheriff of Lake County for obstruction of justice, and Speaker of the House Paul Ryan loudly warns Clinton that funding for the Federal government will be frozen if she proceeds.   The situation then explodes when BATFE agents attempt to seize the lawfully-owned and registered handgun of a citizen of Cook County. A 72 year-old Vietnam veteran refuses to allow BATFE into his home and when they try to force their way in, he shoots one agent and is then killed himself, the entire episode recorded on body camera video which is hacked and published to YouTube by pro-Second Amendment activists. Blood is spilled and the entire world now knows that Hillary Rodham Clinton is willing to kill American citizens as she deprives them of their Constitutional rights.

The Governor of Indiana mobilizes the Indiana National Guard and the Indiana State Police and authorizes them to recruit and deputize citizen volunteers to defend the state from Federal aggression, while President Clinton orders the 101st Airborne Division from Fort Campbell, Kentucky, to support the enforcement of her order, citing Section 1076 of the amended Insurrection Act as her authority. Some soldiers refuse to obey and are arrested themselves, and as the rest of the division air assaults to Indianapolis, a force of 15,000 armed Hoosiers deploys to oppose them. The stage is set for the first battle of the Second Civil War.

I’m not saying that this scenario will happen or if it’s even likely: I hope it is not. I am clearly speculating and obviously many, many things would have to go wrong for this tragedy to play out, and there are plenty of cooler, more reasonable heads in this country who would assert themselves in this sort of crisis. On the other hand, HRC is a bitter opponent of the Second Amendment, an outspoken critic of the Heller v. District of Columbia decision that confirmed an individual right to Keep and Bear Arms, an admirer of Priest-King’s unconstitutional usurpation of legislative power and she has publicly stated that if she were elected President, she would nominate Justices who would reinterpret the Second Amendment and overturn Heller, making an armed clash between the Federal government and the States who created it a faint but real possibility. Thus it would seem that the surest way to avoid such a disaster would be to vote against Hillary Rodham Clinton on 07 November and deprive her of the opportunity to impose her autocratic views on the country, or at least it seems that way to me.