Saturday, January 24, 2009

Pay No Attention to the Man Behind the Green Curtain

In his inaugural address, he told the American people to prepare for sacrifice, after they paid for a $120 billion stimulus package that didn't work, after they paid for a $700 billion bailout package that didn't work, as he prepares to spend $850 billion on another stimulus package and wants to spend even more.

He invited an openly gay Episcopal bishop to pray at the Inauguration concert last Sunday, Rev. Joseph Lowery prayed that "white will embrace what is right" during the benediction at his Inauguration, his Secretary of Labor wants to exclude white male construction workers from receiving contracts related to the $850 billion stimulus package, yet he warns Republicans against listening to Rush Limbaugh because that would be divisive.

He ordered the closure of the terrorist detention center at Guantanamo without a plan to dispose of the prisoners there, could not explain the contents of his own Executive Order, admitted that some prisoners are so dangerous that they will never be released (one former detainee car-bombed the US Embassy in Yemen and has become the leader of Al Qaeda in that country) but bitterly criticized President Bush during the campaign for not closing Guantanamo anyway.

He has forbidden the use of torture when interrogating terror suspects, including the technique of waterboarding. His nominee for Attorney General has agreed, his nominee for Director of National Intelligence has disagreed, and when asked if we would torture Osama bin Laden if he fell into our hands to gain information that might prevent terrorist attacks, his Press Secretary demurred.

He signed a new Executive Order establishing sweeping new ethics rules for lobbyists and political appointees, then granted a waiver to William Lynn within 24 hours.

Only 1457 more days to go.








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