Monday, April 20, 2009

Gag Reflex

BIG STORY OF THE DAY #1: Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan Chase, BB&T and other big American banks are trying to pay back their share of Federal TARP money early and the Treasury Department doesn't want them to do that - the Feds want to maintain government control over the financial system until they decide to let go. See also the Treasury Department's decision to convert the government's TARP investments in these institutions into common stock, meaning the Feds would literally own America's major banks and dictate the flow of capital wherever they wanted, and also the DJIA tanking almost 290 points as a result: How much punishment does the market have to absorb before the morons in the Obama administration get it?

BIG STORY OF THE DAY #2: Hugo Chavez rants about American imperialism at the Summit of the Americas, gets in a photo op shaking hands with Barack Obama and boosts his popularity even higher among the hate-America-first crowd. President Obama lets a two-bit Commie buffoon pee on his shoes and calls it diplomacy.

BIG STORY OF THE DAY #3: The Department of Homeland Security issued a report warning Iraq and Afghanistan veterans that they could be recruited by "right-wing militias" without specifically naming any right-wing militias or why, exactly, combat veterans would be more susceptible to racism or the violent overthrow of the country they swore to protect. A report issued by DHS in January detailed specific left-wing terror groups, specific crimes they had committed and specific people they might recruit, illustrating the predisposition of our government and the legacy media to believe the worst about conservatives whether they have proof or not. How reassuring it is to know that you're suspected by the very people you're defending at the risk of your life. "I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a man who rises and sleeps under the blanket of the very freedom that I provide, and then questions the manner in which I provide it." Colonel Nathan R. Jessup


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