Sunday, November 8, 2009

This Is What He Fought For?

Mark Saturday, 07 November 2009, folks. Mark it in red on your calendar and anywhere else where you'll remember it, because it's one of those dates that will stand in the annals of infamy. Yesterday was the day that the liberals who currently control the levers of government in this country decided to give the finger to America, to trade the promise of prosperity for the certainty of failure, to swap their freedom and ours for the swamp of mediocrity, and we don't know if it can be undone.

The vote was 220-215 to pass HR 3962, the 1990-page, $1.2 trillion monstrosity that, if passed by the Senate and signed by the Priest-King, will grant the Federal government unmitigated control over the country's health care system from top to bottom. That the vote was so close - the Democrats hold a 258-177 majority in the House - tells us several things about the current state of affairs. First, there is a very real wave of anger growing in this country over how the Democrats are governing. The TEA parties last Spring, the bitter town hall meetings of August and September and the protest at the Capitol last Thursday are indicators of that anger. Ordinary people are furious that their government is hell-bent on taxing, spending and regulating them into Third World status and the more conservative Democrats in the House are feeling it. Despite a personal visit by the Priest-King to the Capitol yesterday morning and a hurried speech at the White House yesterday afternoon, 39 House Democrats nonetheless opposed the bill. Second, it illustrates how tenuous the liberals' grip really is, that with months of lobbying by President Obama preceded by years of lobbying by such boobs as John Dingell and Ted Kennedy, with large majorities in the House and Senate, the measure only passed by two votes. Third, it provides a valuable insight into the liberals' real motives. In the teeth of such vehement public opposition as I mentioned above, despite unemployment remaining the voters' number-one concern (the Labor Department announced on Friday that the nation lost another 190,000 jobs in October, bringing the total lost under the Obama Administration to 5.7 million), despite getting a clear signal from the citizens by losing the governorships in New Jersey and Virginia last Tuesday, the Democrats decided nonetheless to push ahead with health care reform. They did this because health care reform and check-card voting and global warming and gays in the military are only milestones on the way to their true objective, which is the transformation of the United States into a true socialist state.

The American people were handed the checks for the $160 billion stimulus package and the $700 billion TARP package under President Bush, and have been handed the checks for the $850 billion stimulus package, the $1 trillion bank bailout bill and a $3.5 trillion FY2010 Federal budget under President Obama, to what result? Unemployment continues to climb as I said - 10.2% now - proving that simply spending huge amounts of money doesn't solve that problem. But spending huge amounts of money, including seizing the nation's health care system, redistributes wealth from those who have earned it to those who haven't. Since the Federal government has already taken over the investment banking industry (Bear Stearns, Goldman Sachs, etc.), the insurance industry (AIG), the home mortgage industry (Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac), and the automobile industry (except for Ford, who refused bailout money and actually turned a $1 billion profit in 3Q2009), and already provides entitlements through Social Security, Medicare, prescription drugs and Medicaid, it stands to reason that the liberals would want control over health care in toto. They want control over our medical records, our diet, how much exercise we get, which doctor we see, where we see him or if we see one at all, what we serve our children for dinner and how much TV they watch, which drugs we can have and how much they'll cost, how long we can live ("end of life options") and whether we live at all (taxpayer-funded abortions) and through this control, create an American proletariat, a classless society in which everyone -except the libs at the very top, the Politburo, if you will - lives the same, hopeless, miserable life. Barney Frank said as much during an appearance on MSNBC on the 26th, saying, "We are trying on every front to increase the role of government." Wake up, folks, this is what we're facing.

Let's look at just two provisions in HR 3962. First, there would be an age limit placed on insurance premiums such that someone 64 years old could not be charged more than twice the premium of an 18 year-old. Sounds great if you're a senior citizen, right? But since seniors consume about five times as much in health care costs, the money to pay for that would have to come from the 18 year-old, who would see his health insurance premiums skyrocket. Second, families earning up to 400% of the Federal Poverty Line (FPL) would receive taxpayer-funded subsidies to purchase health insurance through a new federally-regulated "health exchange," while families at 300% of FPL who buy their health insurance through their employer would receive no assistance at all, the effect being to punish people who refuse to go with the government plan. Again, these are just two of the measures by which the liberals will assert totalitarian control over our lives if they have their way.

There is still a fight to be fought in the Senate and lots of opportunities to stop this insanity before it's too late. Seeing Nancy Pelosi cheerfully, even gleefully announcing the surrender of our liberty should stir us to action, but seeing her do so in front of the man who fought so hard and sacrificed so much to get it enfuriates me. My fellow patriots, STAND UP AND TAKE BACK YOUR COUNTRY BEFORE THERE'S NOTHING LEFT TO SAVE!





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