Saturday, February 25, 2012

American Dictator

"Accomodating" religious institutions sounds very similar to the Chinese practice of requiring churches to register with the government. Unregistered churches are destroyed, their property confiscated, their members harassed and beaten and their pastors jailed. Authoritarian regimes see faith-based institutions as a threat because their loyalty is to God and not the state, so Stalin destroyed 70,000 churches in the Soviet Union, Hitler sent Catholic priests to the concentration camps, Mao murdered Christians in the thousands and Islamic states persecute the Church with a vengeance (Pakistan, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Indonesia).

With polling data that suggests that most women in general and most Catholic women in particular support contraception and abortion and insurance to cover them, Priest-King thinks he has a winner with this policy. He can advance liberal causes at little cost to himself, force religious institutions to choose between violating their deepest beliefs or risk closing those enterprises they operate as part of their mission, and know he has popular support behind him, at least the popular support that matters to him. Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius, House Minority leader Nancy Pelosi, Congresswoman Rosa Delauro and Senator Patty Murray are all prominent Catholic women who embrace Priest-King's policy and dismiss the Church's objections (as if they have authority to speak for the Church), providing authoritative cover where Priest-King is concerned and proving once again that for liberals, politics takes priority over faith. Advancing socialist policy is their core belief, not faith in God, and anyone who resists them must be subjugated.

Socialists like Priest-King and his allies see democracy as clumsy, dysfunctional, complicated and slow, and seek to replace it with a statist model where power is aggregated to the center, society is rigidly and uniformly regulated and civil rights are distributed and adjusted as the government sees fit. Power flows from the government down to the people, not from the people to their government, and Priest-King has aggressively pursued this vision: Firing the CEO of General Motors although he had no Constitutional authority to do so; refusing to enforce current law regarding illegal immigration, the Defense of Marriage Act, gays in the military, and refusing to prosecute Black Panthers for voter intimidation during the 2008 election; shaking down BP for a $20 billion slush fund and appointing judges to the Federal bench without Senate approval, again without Constitutional authority; and of course, via Obamacare, ordering American citizens to purchase health insurance in violation of their rights under the Eighth, Ninth and Tenth Amendments. This is a man who believes he has the right to intervene in every facet of American society, to pick winners and losers, to choose which laws he'll enforce and which he won't, and to rebuild America into the workers' paradise promised by Lenin.

But two major obstacles stand in his way. First, the Founding Fathers anticipated such despotism and included the Second Amendment in our basic law. Every citizen has the right to buy, own, transport and use as many firearms as he likes, and this fact - that there are over 200 million privately-owned firearms in the United States - represents a powerful roadblock to Priest-King's vision as the people have the means to resist him if it comes to force. (Remember Lexington and Concord? How about Ruby Ridge?) So Priest-King has employed a two-track strategy to remove it. For starters, he has supported international treaties with the UN and the Organization of American States that would, if ratified by the Senate, essentially ban privately-owned firearms in the United States - he is by nature a globalist, after all. Next, to discredit private gun ownership and prove that more gun control is needed, his Attorney General authorized Operation Fast and Furious, by which known agents of the Mexican drug cartels were allowed to buy firearms in the United States and then disappear. The idea was that if American guns were connected to crime in Mexico, Priest-King would have the justification he needed to impose even stricter gun controls than the 32,000 existing laws provide. This approach has backfired since Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry was murdered in December 2010 by guns traced to Fast and Furious, only half of the 1400 guns involved have been recovered and Congress is vigorously investigating the Department of Justice for its role in this ridiculous and illegal plan, but nonetheless it demonstrates how far Priest-King is willing to go to disarm America forever.

The second major obstacle to Priest-King's socialist utopia is the Christian Church. People whose
allegiance is to God and not to this would-be Caesar aren't easily persuaded, so they must be coerced. Priest-King knows that caring for the community is a major component of Christianity: Christians have built and operate thousands of schools, universities, hospitals, homeless shelters, shelters for battered women and their children, substance abuse treatment centers, food banks and the like. So he presents a devilish dilemma to those organizations: Provide insurance coverage for contraception and abortion which would violate their religious principles, or close those institutions that serve so many. Either way, he bends the Christian Church to his will, asserting his dominance, the Constitutional guarantee of free exercise of religion be damned. The Church must serve the state, he demands, and therein lies the soul of a tyrant. When a leader insists that his will must be obeyed in defiance of law, that the people exist to serve him, then he assumes the role of a despot and deserves to be rejected: Sic semper tyrannis.

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