Friday, January 25, 2013

This is What Leftist Foreign Policy Looks Like

Hillary Rodham Clinton, former First Lady of Arkansas, former Whitewater conspirator, for whom baking cookies was beneath her dignity, and former tackling dummy for Barack Hussein Obama, currently Secretary of State, in her last major public event before handing over the keys to fellow traveler John Kerry, testified to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on Wednesday regarding the terrorist attack on the American Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, on 11 September 2012, that resulted in the deaths of four Americans, including Ambassador Christopher Stevens. Instead of providing an honest, forthright explanation for this tragedy, firing the bureaucrats who left our personnel in danger and then resigning herself, Mrs. Clinton (I know she hates it when she's addressed as such) spent her day swinging with both fists, angrily dismissing accusations that she lied to the American people, covered up the truth and now leaves office with the world a more dangerous place.  A few notable moments from her testimony:
a) In her opening remarks, she attempted to lump in the Benghazi attack with previous attacks on U.S. diplomatic facilities like Teheran in 1979, Beirut in 1983, the embassy bombings in East Africa in 1998, and to spread responsibility for embassy security (or lack thereof) to Congress.
b) “As I have said many times since September 11, I take responsibility.”  She then spent the remainder of her appearance dodging responsibility for the Benghazi attack and described how sitting in video conferences and sending memoranda helped save American lives – not in Benghazi, mind you – but elsewhere.
c) “The very next morning, I told the American people that ‘heavily armed militants assaulted our compound’ and vowed to bring them to justice.  And I stood with President Obama as he spoke of ‘an act of terror.’” Of course, Hillary failed to mention that the Administration sent U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice on five Sunday morning talk shows after the attack (16 September 2012) to blame the attack on a demonstration that went out of control, prompted by an earlier demonstration in Cairo the same day, over a YouTube video critical of Islam, and that the Administration repeated this talking point, such as:
  • Jay Carney, White House Press Secretary, 18 September 2012:
"Based on the information that we have now, it was--there was a reaction to the video--there was protests in Cairo, then followed by protests elsewhere, including Benghazi, and that that was what led to the original unrest."
  • Priest-King, appearing on The Late Show with David Letterman, 18 September 2012:
Letterman: “The ambassador to Libya killed in an attack on the consulate in Benghazi. Is this an act of war? Are we at war now? What happens here?”
Priest-King: “No. Well, here’s what happened: You had a video that was released by somebody who lives here, sort of a shadowy character, who, an extremely offensive video directed at Mohammad and Islam—
Letterman: “--making fun of the Prophet Mohammad.”
Priest-King: “--making fun of the Prophet Mohammad. And, so, this caused great offense in much of the Muslim world, but what also happened was extremists and terrorists used this as an excuse to attack a variety of our embassies including the one, the consulate in Libya. And the irony is is the ambassador, Chris Stevens, he was the person who was first in Libya and helped to advise us in liberating Libya from Muammar Qaddafi, the former dictator there. So, this was a guy who was actually beloved by the vast majority of Libyans and these extremists do not represent what the Libyan people think.”
d) Hillary also failed to mention that CIA informed the White House within 24 hours that the attack was a deliberate terrorist operation, so every reference the Administration made about a protest sparked by an offensive video from that point onward was a bald-faced lie.
e) Hillary said that the reason why she did not appear on television herself to explain the events in Benghazi was “Well, I have to confess here in public, going on the Sunday shows is not my favorite thing to do.  There are other things that I prefer to do on Sunday mornings. And, you know, I haven’t been on a Sunday show in way over a year. So, it just isn’t something that I normally jump to do.” It was just so much better to let Susan Rice fall on her sword, to trot her out in front of the cameras and let her do the lying and take the heat, since Hillary still harbors aspirations for the Presidency in 2016
f) Responding to Senator Ron Johnson’s question as to determining if the Benghazi attack was the result of a protest or a deliberate terrorist operation, Hillary gave the liberals a load of red meat, shouting back: "With all due respect, the fact is we had four dead Americans. Was it because of a protest or was it because of guys out for a walk one night decided to go kill some Americans? What difference, at this point, does it make?" Well, it makes a lot of difference, Mrs. Clinton, so for the safety of our diplomatic personnel, our interests overseas and our national security, let’s try to tie all this together:
·        The U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, was the subject of thirteen attacks between April and September 2012.  Repeated requests to the State Department for additional security were denied and security at the consulate was actually reduced, even though financial resources weren’t a concern and the Red Cross and the Italian Consulate in Benghazi had closed, citing the increasing security threat.
·         On 11 September 2012, the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi was the target of a deliberate and sustained terrorist attack that lasted at least seven hours.  The terrorists used mortars, rocket-propelled grenades and heavy machine guns and eventually burned the consulate.  Four Americans, including Ambassador Christopher Stevens, were killed in the attack.
·         Although CIA confirmed that the attack in Benghazi was a deliberate terrorist operation within 24 hours, the Priest-King Administration characterized it as a protest that spiraled out of control, a protest sparked by anger over a YouTube video critical of Islam and Mohammed.  Hillary’s testimony to the House and Senate Foreign Relations Committees conflicts with her previous statements, as well as Priest-King’s.  The Administration persisted with this video protest characterization for nearly three weeks, well after it became common knowledge that the Benghazi assault was a planned and coordinated terrorist attack.
·         The Benghazi attack, the recent attack on a natural gas plant in Algeria and the civil war underway in Mali all indicate that a large and determined jihadist threat is spreading across North Africa, aided and abetted by Al Qaeda and their sympathizers.  This growing terrorist threat, coupled with Islamic extremism dominating the new governments in Libya and Egypt (Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi characterizes Jews as “descendants of apes and pigs” while members of the Muslim Brotherhood persecute Christians to the point of crucifixion) directly contradicts Priest-King’s policy of disengagement and his characterization that Al Qaeda is “on the run.”  For brazen political purposes, the Americans in Benghazi were left to die and absolutely nobody will be punished for it.
For the 65,899,660 Americans who decided that Priest-King deserved a second term, this is what you’ve bought.  Priest-King will abandon your fellow citizens and leave them to die because his prestige matters more than their lives, and if you don’t care about that, then maybe you’ll care when he leaves you to die.  So you have to ask yourself a question: Exactly how much does he mean to you?


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