Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Justifying the Means

When I was ten years old, I cheated on a geography test. I didn't need to cheat and I was foolish to do it but
I wanted to get 100% so badly that the temptation overwhelmed my better judgment and I got caught by my teacher, Mr. Azar. Mr. Azar was really cool, he was the only male teacher I had in elementary school and I liked him a lot, so the fact that I deliberately disobeyed his instructions only amplified my embarrassment. Even worse, Mr. Azar had been one of my father's students at Indiana State University so they knew each other and Mr. Azar knew that my father would be deeply disappointed when he learned of my behavior, so he wrote a synopsis of my cheating on the test sheet and told me to bring it home for my father to read and sign and then return it the next day. Needless to say, it was a thoroughly humiliating experience that has stayed with me my entire life as an example of how much dealing falsely with others can cost me.

Bill Clinton never gave a damn about dealing falsely with others or embarrassment or humiliation but he cared a lot about what he wanted at any given time, whether it was money or marijuana or sex or dodging the draft or getting elected. After six terms as Governor of Arkansas, he left his state just as poor and hopeless as when he found it and then went on to continue his sociopathic behavior for eight years in the White House where he ruined the careers of the Travel Office staff, drove Vince Foster to suicide, enacted the largest tax increase in history at the time, groped Kathleen Willey, passed on Osama bin Laden, lied about Whitewater and Monica Lewinsky and pardoned Marc Rich. Obeying the law or social norms or even being nice to people were meaningless concepts to him because what he wanted was more important than anything else but in one respect, Bill Clinton's amoral and boorish behavior was less threatening because it was amoral and boorish. We were appalled and disgusted and shocked and we cheered his impeachment but we understood that what we were witnessing was the conduct of an egomaniacal boob driven to gratify his base desires. That is not what we are witnessing now.

Priest-King is committed to creating the model American commune that he has envisioned since his youth. From Saul Alinsky and Bill Ayres and Jeremiah Wright he has received a seething hatred of traditional America and the radical revolutionary doctrine needed to change it, because America was founded by rich white racist European men for their own selfish and greedy purposes and deserves to be broken up and rebuilt. He sees himself as the champion of all the people who are left out, ignored, cheated, deceived and bullied by traditional America, all the people who don't have a chance in a meritocracy where individual freedom, enterprise, self-reliance and limited government are supreme. The poor, feminists, minorities, homosexuals, unions, radical environmentalists, drug users and illegal immigrants all lose in such a meritocracy so traditional America has to be smashed and its broken bits and pieces swept up and reshaped into a fairer, more just society, a society that Karl Marx would be proud of. So, if this society would be not only a dramatic improvement over the original but a model for all societies across the globe, and reforming its health care system is a step toward that society, then anything Priest-King does is justified in achieving it, including brazenly lying to the American people, but here's an important distinction: Priest-King wants to lead the American people into the socialist sunrise and he empathizes with some of them but he doesn't love them and he certainly doesn't trust them. Obamacare is all about rigid state control of health care which by definition eliminates personal choice over which plan vou have or how high the premium may be. Heretofore, the majority of Americans have made choices with which Priest-King vehemently disagrees so he cannot allow them to continue making those choices in the future, else the New America will never be achieved. HE DOESN'T TRUST US TO MAKE OUR OWN DECISIONS, PERIOD. He alone has the knowledge, the wisdom, the expertise, the understanding and the insight needed to decide the fate of 313 million Americans and no-one can gainsay him, he has a sense of mission and an epic self-image that drives him so when he deliberately, consciously and repeatedly lies as to the effects of Obamacare, it is not to gratify some base physical desire but to accomplish a grand design and thus his lies are far more dangerous. Priest-King sees our freedom as an impediment to the America he wants to build and we can't be trusted to make our own decisions, so if he has to mislead us in order to accomplish his goal, then that is perfectly acceptable to him and perfectly antithetical to his oath as President.

As of this writing, over 3.5 million Americans have had their current health care coverage cancelled as a direct result of Obamacare. They can't afford the stratospheric premiums and deductibles of the new plans and they have no idea how they will get the care they need. There is real human pain being inflicted by Obamacare yet Priest-King insist that he didn't lie when he assured the public that, "lf you like your plan, you can keep your plan," and implies that the public should have known that their plans might be changed or even eliminated under the new regime. So it's our fault or the fault of the evil insurance companies who cancelled your plan, even though Obamacare requires them to cancel plans that don't comply with the new standards. The fact that millions of people are now exposed to medical and financial peril, and tens of millions more in the next year, is actually a good thing, he expounds, they'll find that Obamacare is sooo much better than their old defective plans so the lies continue, the suffering and the pain expand and deepen and the country slides toward catastrophe. After witnessing the horrors caused by Vladimir Lenin and Benito Mussolini, by Francisco Franco and Adolf Hitler, by Mao Tse-Tung and Ho Chi Minh, by Fidel Castro and Danny Ortega, you would think that Americans would be smarter than to fall for the same shopworn charms of socialism but we're not. Over sixty-six million of my fellow citizens thought they could get something for nothing from a Leftist demagogue weaned on Chicago goon politics and only now do they realize the depth of their mistake. Maybe it's not too late, maybe Obamacare can be stopped, maybe the damage can be contained and maybe America can be saved, but if it is indeed too late and the damage is irreversible, then we will know exactly when our doom was sealed and why: The moment we cast a vote for Barack Obama and because we believed a lie.

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