Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Give Him Four More Years and He'll Finish Us Off

With the Democratic National Convention over and Priest-King having received the expected post-convention bounce, a number of Republican cassandras have given up hope that he can be defeated.  A torrent of polls indicate he has a substantial lead nationally and in various battleground states and the legacy news media (ABC, NBC’s various platforms, CBS, CNN, The New York Times, The Washington Post, etc.)  broadcast a steady message that he’s simply invulnerable, and an example would be George F. Will’s comments on ABC’s This Week, that if the Republican Party cannot beat an incumbent President with economic conditions as bad as they are, they should simply give up politics.  Mr. Will and his fellows simply cannot understand how so many normally intelligent Americans could favor a second term for His Serene Loftiness, given the awful mess he has created, but instead of wringing our hands, let’s try to explain this disconnect and then come up with ways to counter it:

  • Some people who voted for Priest-King in 2008 still believe his message of hope and change even though Priest-King himself no longer mentions it.  This reveals a sort of blind loyalty, a desire to believe in a person’s rhetoric regardless of objective evidence that disproves it.  It’s the same kind of blind loyalty that the French gave to Napoleon, that the Russians gave to Lenin, that the Germans gave to Hitler, that the Cubans gave to Castro and that the People’s Church gave to Jim Jones.  Usually this sort of phenomenon is called a cult of personality and people caught up in it may be beyond convincing.

  • Priest-King still enjoys a certain likeability.  People know that the economy is bad but they don’t blame him for it, as if he’s trying to right the ship but just hasn’t been able to do it yet.  They can’t imagine that he would lie to them or mislead them, or that he’s hugely incompetent, so they want to give him the benefit of the doubt.

  • Bill Clinton, who was protected by the best mob lawyer in American history (Janet Reno), gave a great closing argument for his client at the DNC though it was his usual stemwinder.  People who liked Bill Clinton in the Nineties despite his lying, stealing and cheating take his word for it that Priest-King just needs more time.

  • The parade of luminaries appearing at the Republican National Convention to the contrary, millions of minority voters simply cannot bring themselves to vote Republican.  Ninety percent of African-Americans or more will pull the lever for Priest-King on 06 November and no amount of empirical evidence will convince them otherwise.  Like Point #1, there is a certain percentage of these voters who represent a lost cause.

  • The entitlement generation, which includes college students, seniors, the unions and welfare recipients, don’t want to see their benefits cut.  These are the people the Democrats have groomed for decades just for this purpose and underscore exactly why this trend has to be stopped.

I have recounted ad nauseum in this space the recessionary conditions that Priest-King faced in January 2009 and compared them to the even worse conditions faced by Ronald Reagan 28 years before, and over which he prevailed, so I think the first point that Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan can hammer home is that we can beat this, we’ve done it before.  Second, the debates give the Republican nominees an opportunity to confront Priest-King directly and make him defend himself: Go on offense and stay on offense.  Make him defend the stimulus bill, the bank bailout bill, QE1, QE2, QE3, 8% unemployment for his entire administration, 23 million people either unemployed or underemployed, the millions who have simply given up looking for a job, and $16 trillion in debt.  Make him defend a foreign policy that relinquishes American leadership for UN committees, that gives Russia and China a veto over our vital interests.  Third, drive home what we can expect if Priest-King is reelected, the agenda for a second term in which he would have perfect freedom to accomplish whatever he wanted, and watch people shudder:

The Supreme Court.  Antonin Scalia is 76 years old and is the longest-serving Justice, having been nominated in 1986.  Anthony Kennedy is also 76 years old and joined Justice Scalia on the Court in 1988.  Ruth Bader Ginsberg is 79 years old, has been serving since 1993 and is in declining health.  If Priest-King is reelected, there is the possibility that he could nominate replacements for up to three Justices, two of whom are Republicans.  This could transform the makeup of the Court from 5-4 in favor of the conservatives to 6-3 favoring the liberals, and since Chief Justice John Roberts has already demonstrated that he can be coerced into joining the liberals on the very biggest of cases (Obamacare), this could translate into an effective 7-2 liberal stranglehold over the highest court in the land, for which America would pay dearly:

Fisher v. University of Texas at Austin – This case, which the Court will hear this year, could decide the role of race-conscious admissions to the nation’s colleges and universities.  The Court could decide to continue a trend to deny well-qualified white students admission to the university of their choice in order to admit less-qualified minority students and promote ethnic diversity.

Kiobel v. Royal Dutch Petroleum – This case seeks to hold companies liable for human rights abuses committed with their products overseas.  If decided in favor of the plaintiff, this could paralyze trade.

Constitutionality of state laws refusing recognition of same-sex marriage

Constitutionality of the Federal Defense of Marriage Act

Federal recognition of same-sex marriage – The splintering of American society would accelerate like a rocket.  America turns its back on God.

Reinterpretation of the Second Amendment, denying individual citizens the right to own and carry firearms – This would overturn 225 years of American history and the Framers’ intent.  Rather than serving as a brake on authoritarian governments by giving the people the practical means of defending themselves, privately-owned firearms would be illegal because dictatorships fear their own people.

Doctor-prescribed euthanasia

Foreign policy. Priest-King’s halting, indecisive, lead-from-behind  strategy would have catastrophic consequences.  Since he agrees wholeheartedly with socialism and redistribution of wealth, Priest-King would encourage Germany to rescue its spendthrift neighbors in Europe even at the cost of its own economy.  Ultimately, the Eurozone itself will collapse since Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal and Ireland have deep-seated cultural differences with the Germans and they will refuse to adjust their national policies, instigating a new global recession.  Massive cuts in defense, either from sequestration or from Presidential fiat, would gut America’s ability to project power and protect its national interests, emboldening China in the Pacific and Russia in Europe.  Having announced our retreat from Afghanistan, the Taliban would undertake a powerful offensive to recapture the country in a fashion similar to North Vietnam’s conquest of South Vietnam in 1975.  Afghanistan would revert to being a terrorist safe haven and eleven years of sacrifice would be for nothing.  Minus substantive support from America, Israel would be forced to attack Iran’s nuclear facilities for its sheer national survival, triggering a war with militant Islam that would make the Global war On Terror look like a warmup.  God help us.

Domestic policy.  With the worry of reelection lifted, Priest-King could finish the work he started in 2009 to transform America into the socialist workers’ paradise of his dreams.  With or without approval from Congress whom he considers an unnecessary bother, he could decree unconditional amnesty for all illegal immigrants, creating a legal means for 21 million people to bleed the United States indefinitely for their own purposes.  We would see the full implementation of Obamacare with all its legal, medical and financial horrors coincident with the expiration of the Bush tax cuts, and as massive unemployment and inflation accelerated, a tide of bankruptcy would wash across state and local governments.  Desperate for any sort of cash, Obama could nationalize all privately-held retirement funds just as Argentina did in 2009 and suffer the same catastrophic consequences.  The $9.8 trillion or so held in pension funds in the United States would serve his immediate purposes but growth would be destroyed, confidence in the United States would disappear, and when there was no money to be had, the United States government would default on its debt and a new depression would ensue, more terrible than anyone can imagine.

The damage that could be done during a second Obama administration would be incalculable.  The United States would be returned to the year 1832, a large but poor and inconsequential country, economically, militarily and politically feeble, unable to support itself much less help its friends, and a bystander internationally.  Give Barack Obama four more years and he’ll not only finish his work: He’ll finish us off.

Source: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/business/1696010.stm

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