Thursday, November 15, 2012

Moocher Nation

"I will gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today."
J. Wellington Wimpy

I'm stunned, to state the obvious. Numb. The gravity of this defeat will take some time to register but
initially I feel disbelief. With an economy in shambles, soaring debt, 23 million people either unemployed or underemployed, a government that hasn't passed a budget in three years and borrows $4 billion a day, dead Americans in Benghazi, dead Mexicans and a dead Border Patrol agent because of Fast and Furious, Iraq and Afghanistan unraveling, Iran only months away from enough enriched uranium to make a nuclear weapon and the largest tax increase in American history looming on January 1, the American people deliberately choose more of the same. It's irrational.

Everything I predicted in 2008 has come true and we have no reason to doubt that our perilous situation will continue for another four years. Barack Obama is hell-bent on reshaping America into a Soviet collective in which fetuses may be killed inside and outside the womb, homosexuals are free to defile the institution of marriage, illegal immigrants enjoy benefits that American citizens are denied, college students can welch on their loans, the coal industry is killed, the prosperous are enslaved to the deadbeats and our enemies no longer fear us. Since so many millions of my fellow citizens are enraptured with this vision, my impulse is to say to Hell with them and to Hell with my country but then I think of my grandson and the country he'll have to face as he grows up and I can't do that. Not to him. So, slowly, I determine that continuing to fight for traditional conservative values -lower taxes, smaller government, free enterprise, individual freedom, a strong national defense, the right to life, traditional marriage - is the only thing to do, even if it means losing more elections. You can either go down fighting or you can surrender, and I spit on surrendering.

Mitt Romney was a good candidate. He raised tons of money, he hit Obama hard on the economy, he slapped him silly in the first debate, he tried to make the election a referendum on Obama's record and about big issues, and he lost. Paul Ryan would've made a terrific Vice President and he clearly articulated the fiscal danger we face. They had a great organization, they had the best Republicans in the country helping them, they left no stone unturned and they were rejected. Commentators who blame Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan are wrong and they're missing the point: The problem isn't with the candidates we supported, it's with our country.

Eighty years of social engineering have produced a population with their hands out. Losing four of the last six Presidential elections (and nearly a fifth - Bush/Gore in 2000) proves that. Taking charity from the government isn't as noble and rewarding as working for a living but it's sure easier. Aborting an innocent fetus is ugly and repugnant but it's easier than raising the child. Allowing homosexuals to ape marriage is abhorrent but it's easier than telling them no, you're a degenerate. Legalizing marijuana will rot our society but it's easier than fighting it. Spending money we don't have will bankrupt us but it's easier than standing up to the AARP. And in 2016, when everything has crashed and the full consequences of Obama's grand vision are plainly evident, the people will wonder how it happened, they'll blame the Republicans for the disaster, the media will glorify Obama's accomplishments and nothing will change. God help us.

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